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Dr. Lina Hendawy 


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My name is Lina Hendawy, i am a medical student from Egypt. I decided to found this website in 2021 to provide my followers with medical information in a simple way to make the World Open to Healing Information. 

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"If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done"

Thomas Jefferson

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Optic neuritis

It's inflammation of the optic nerve. According to the anatomical site of inflammation two entities are recognised 1) retrobulbar...

Arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy

It's a serious type affecting mainly old patients above 70 years suffering from giant cell arteritis. Giant cell arteritis: Idiopathic...

Non arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy

It occurs commonly in patients between 45 and 60 who are hypertensive, smokers or have high serum lipids. Symptoms: Moderate to severe...

Types of Toxic ampylopia

Toxic ampylopia: It's optic nerve damage due to exogenous toxins. Toxins which cause central scotoma as tobacco and ethyl alcohol Toxins...

Retrobulbar Neuritis

Clinical picture: As papillitis but there's painful eye movement as SR muscle takes insertion from optic nerve sheath also the fundus...


Acute inflammation of the optic disc. Etiology: Demyelinating disease. Infection : viral or bacterial Extension of infection from CNS or...


Definition: It's a passive non inflammatory edema ( transudate mostly water) of optic disc. Usually due to increase of ICT. In passive...

Primary (Rhegmatogenous) retinal detachment

Retinal break is a full thickness defect in the neurosensory retina, it may be of the rounded hole type or horse shoe shaped type, or the...

Malignant melanoma of the choroid

Although rare, less than ten per million per year, it's the most common primary intraocular tumor in adults, it arises from choroidal...

Retinal detachment (RD)

Definitions and classifications: It is seperation of neurosensory retina ( inner retinal layer) from the retinal pigment epithelium...

Parasitic bleharitis

Etiology : It's inflammation of lid margin due to infestation with phthirus pubis( the pubic louse) and rarely by the head louse. The...

Angular bleharitis

Etiology: Chronic infection of the lid margin by Morax Axenfeld diplobacillus which is gram negative organism secreting proteolytic...

Ulcerative blepharitis

Pleharitis is a chronic inflammation of the lid margin. Ulcerative blepharitis Etiology: 1- predisposing factors ( old age, diabetes,...

Squamous blepharitis

Blepharitis is a chronic inflamation of the lid margin. Squamous blepharitis: Etiology: 1-The condition is essentially metabolic being a...

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